Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Brand New Start

Recently I was talking to a teenager that was raised in a christian home, he knew all the right words to say and scriptures but was in the world sinning and doing things that weren't pleasing to God. He was dealing with a battle in himself. What side do I want to be on? Is it God's side or the Devil's side?

 He wanted to live his life according to God's will and serve God wholeheartedly but he felt so dirty, ashamed ,and guilty that God would not want to forgive him and take him with open arms as his son. So I told him that God is faithful and Just to forgive those that sin against him.

1 john 1:9" if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness "

Throughout the conversation he decided that he wanted to live a life for Jesus Christ, and we closed our conversation that night with prayer, that he can make this change and have the strength to do so, through God's help. Right now he is walking the walk of Jesus Christ !!! :)

Matthew 24:13 " But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved"

I just wanted to share a poem that  I saw on one of my Facebook Friends page, that talked about God's Love and forgiveness and I had to share it.


Come speak to Me about what you are going through. Don't hold it all to yourself for I am your God, and I want you to confide in Me. Share with Me all your cares for I care for you. There is nothing you can't tell Me that I already know, but I want you to unload all your cares upon Me. There is no reason why you have to carry them on your own.

This is the day of the great falling away, and it all starts when a spirit of independence creeps in and then the spirit of pride. These are dangerous signs when one doesn't discern what is taking place in your heart. When you take matters in your own hands not relying on My faithfulness but try to work them out in your own strength, you open yourself up to a great deception. One thing piles upon the next, and you have a load too heavy for you to carry, for you are building for yourself a stronghold that is too hard to break away from.

Repentance must take place after you cry out to Me for it. All you need to do is realize that you have made yourself to be your own god and not allowing Me to be what I need to be to you. Extreme danger is at hand when My people who are called by My name refuse to humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, and because they won't cry unto Me; therefore, I will not heal their land.

There is just too much pride and idolatry in one's heart when they refuse to cast all their cares unto Me. Worry is a sin so deep in one's heart because one will not repent of the sin of pride and independence and choose to carry it all on their own. 

I warn you this day that if you refuse to turn from your wicked ways, then I cannot be your God. I will not be a god to a people who refuse to trust Me. My hands are tied. Turn while there is still time. Do not take this matter lightly because I do not.

Now, My children, I warn you because I love you. I will never forsake you completely. I will wait for you because I forever intercede for you standing on My promise to never let go of those I died for. I believe you have the victory but for the time you must be strengthened in My love. You must realize that I love you or I would not chastise you. Only because you are now My son I cannot allow you to do the things you did when you were a babe.

Now pick yourself up and brush yourself off. This is a new day, a brand new hour. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. If you desire, you can start anew. I will wash away the sins of your past if you realize them and confess them to Me. I will wash you clean and yes, give you a brand new start.

Yes, cast your cares upon Me for truly I care for you!

Yolanda Ballard


  1. Amen! This is the time to turn back to the Lord, seeking the Lord while He may be found. Thank God for your witness to that young man and may God strengthen him to continue to walk in His way. We must all continue to press into Him. Nothing else matters.

    Hope you are well! Luv ya! :-)
