Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stay away From Me! "You Have The Cooties"

I use to always want attention from boys. Everywhere I went, I was in search of a "Boyfriend". I knew it was a demonic spirit that was in me, a spirit of lust.

Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places".
Lately, God has delivered me from lust. As Teenagers, (mostly girls) Lol. We focus so much on having a relationship, thinking or talking about a particular boy or girl that we like or admirer. God had to show me that, I had to give him every area of my life completely, including "Having a Boyfriend".

The first thing, God had reviled to me was, my dad is the only real earthly male presence I should have in my life, right now. My interaction with my dad will teach me how to be submissive to male authority and to fully understand the love of Jesus Christ. Then, I will be prepared for the husband God has for me.

I said, "sure, okay God, whatever you have for me, I'll wait".

Instead of humbling myself, I started to be prideful. My behavior and impression was like a 5 year old,"Stay away from me! you have the cooties"! LOL I did not want to interact with any boys anymore. I didn't need too, I thought, God would bring my husband. I wouldn't even say "hello". The thought in my mind was,"Stay away from me, you have the cooties"!

God had to show me that I was being very prideful. He brought back to my memory the times, I was in middle school and high school. I always got along better with the boys then girls. My experience with the girls in my school was all about gossiping or fighting, when I did hang out with the boys at lunch, it was less drama. I found it easier to talk to them about sports or laugh with them when they joke around in class.They would usually share their personal life situations with me; about issues at home. I never really understood why? Most of the times my guy friends would tell me, it was easy for them to talk with me, because they never got the impression, I was trying to be something I wasn't or throwing myself on them in a flirtation way, I was just being myself.

As I meditated on what God was showing me, I realized certain boys was able to talk to me, because it wasn't me they saw, but it was Christ light that was shining threw me that caught there attention, but I still refuse to talk to any boys in friendly conversation. Even though,  I knew I would have to share the love of Jesus Christ to them. I thought to myself,"Stay away from me, you have the cooties"! that was my focus.  I didn't understand at first, how I was being prideful. I just wanted to mind my own business and wait for what God has for me. But, I believe the Lord wants us to stay busy as we wait on Him for our promises. He told me that, I have to share my faith with everyone, BUT be wise. NOT, everyone you should talk too. As the Holy Spirit began to convict me, I was still bothered by the situation. My thoughts was still, "Stay away from me, you have the cooties"!  I called My Aunt about the issue. I had to get another confirmation from someone who is in the faith. She told me that," God call us to share our faith with everyone and at times He will draw people to you". She continue to say, "I could probably be the planter who sow that seed in their hearts. It's not just sharing the faith but to pray for them. Do not run away from boys, but set an example of a virtuous Woman and they will immediately know where you stand". 

After the conversation, I prayed about it, and it was true. I can not deny what God was showing me. I need to share the faith with everyone. The truth is, I have to make sure there is no blemish of lust found within me, because when I do talk with a boy, it should never  gratify any lustful evil desires. 

Colossians 3:5 "put to death therefore what is earthly in you:sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry"

This doesn't just go for girls, but for boys as well. If a girl comes to you with lust .You shouldn't allow it, but be very up front and tell the truth about Jesus Christ, Everything you say should be about Christ.
You have to make sure your mind is guarded and set an example of a Godly man.

Galatians 5:16-"But I say,walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh"

We have to be wise,We shouldn't minister to anyone knowing our intentions are wrong. But we must make sure that we don't have any blemishes and we must let the Holy Spirit lead us in everything we do. It shouldn't even be a hint of lust in the heart, but a heart of purity and love.

 I finally realized, I needed to stop playing the "cooties game". Every believers needs to share their faith.  Salvation is critical. I thought it was amazing how God could show you about yourself in one single day, when you give him all of your attention. Even if you don't want to hear it, humble yourself.


  1. Hey Leya I was thinking driving into work this morning about the power of the "porneia" that were the slaves in the days of Rome assigned to entertain the Roman elite class by performing acts of sexual perversion for them. Today we call them actors, but they really are slaves used to captivate the human race and feed lustful desires inside of fallen Adamic men and women. We see people like Beyonce, Rihanna, Trey Songz, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, etc. that have been "anointed" by Satan to feed the lust inside of his people. Also, people like Hugh Hefner at Playboy have destroyed millions of young women and men because a pornographer is a destroyer. It's time for young people like you and others to stand for purity and righteousness and renounce the filth of the culture. Praise the Lord!!!

  2. Hey Pastor Price, I learned something new.I didn't know about the "porneia" that were slaves in days of Rome assigned to entertain the Roman elite doing sexual acts.The spirit of lust is a serous spirit that has captivated our generation.I REFUSE! to have Satan win this generation.We need more teens and young adults to just separate themselves from this world and keep on Fighting! :)

  3. Wonderful post! Although I've never had a boyfriend, in the past couple years it has become more of a temptation to desire attention from the guys in my life. I had to give this up to the Lord. I should not try to get attention for myself, I should point others to God. =)

    His Princess,

  4. Hello The Princess,
    That's right!!,we don't need to gain attention,but to follow Jesus Christ as our father and wait on the person he has for us :)
